This is the 5th Free White Paper installment from PM Solution Pro, extending our hands to further improve project's success. We are sharing the "TOP TEN PREREQUISITES OF A PROJECT SCHEDULE BASELINE." These are perhaps the most essential attributes needed to pull together a reliable and achievable baseline. The result? A project baseline that all stakeholders can buy into. Download this White Paper now!

The project team must understand that the quality requirements of the project baseline schedule will depend on planning inputs. Use only information that makes good sense. Data gathered must spell clarity, correctness, achievability, predictability, and completeness. Maturity of work components must demonstrate schedule quality. Quality directly relates to data maturity. It is a measure as to when certain information becomes acceptably ready. Reliability of work data increases through time. The ten prerequisites will help and guide your project to achieve greater success.

Founder and CEO-PM Solution Pro

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Words of Wisdom: When asked why he drives relatively slowly and follows all the traffic rules, my father-in-law said, “I might look slow, but I am sure. I am slow because I am in a hurry.” Source: Frago, R. (2015).Plan to Schedule, Schedule to Plan
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